Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Contact us:

e-mail : Kryptonite.P@mweb.co.za
fax : (+27) (0)11 455 1564

Johann Steyn - Director : 082 688 6194
Nadine Botha - Creative Manager : 072 283 0404
Cabous Donaldson - Sound Manager : 082 884 5641
Sven Steyn - Graphic still design

We are looking forward to welcome Ryno Steyn to the Kryptonite- team in the first quarter of 2009!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

High definition

KRYPTONITE PRODUCTIONS IS GOING HD. But do not fear, if you do not want your project in HD, we will still burn it in SD (standard definition) and you always have the option to burn your project in HD later on.

We would like to thank the following people for their contribution to our productions:
- Hanru Els
- Morne Muller
- Sven Steyn
- Morne Holtzhausen
- Edith Steyn
- Lean Buys

Backup = Forever

With our secure backup option, it means that you will still be able to order more copies of your data whatever the reason may be, even if it's 10 years from now. The best of all is; say for instance DVD's are out of fashion in 2020, and you (or somebody with the given authority) would like another copy, we will burn your project onto the new medium (like blu- ray, etc.). So, with Kryptonite Productions, you'll NEVER get left in the dust. KRYPTONITE PRODUCTIONS